Sunday, December 27, 2009

Luton Airport.

To: Luton airport.
I am very disappointed in Ryanair.
I was checking in to the airport, I knew I had overweight luggage so I went to pay extra money.
I offered to pay £400, but it had to be £600!
And the flight was only £200!
When I finally made a deal with £300, I got on the plane and saw a magaazine that said:
All customers this winter with overweight luggage can get on the plane for £400!
I hope you will deal with this problem,
Kind regards,
Blythe Stewart.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Dad:" Girls, would you like some buns?" Now Fern, be very careful not to drop crumbs all over the floor."

Fern:" Ok, Ok Dad. I promise."

5 mins later.

Dad:" Fern, have you been a good girl and not dropped crumbs all over the place?"

Fern:" Yes Dad, I have been a very good girl and I have eaten my bun over the plate so I did not spill crumbs all over the place."

This is what it turns out like when me and Dad look.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The re-united states of America.

From: The great Barack Obama, President of the re-united states. (That is very important!)

I know a secret. Computers are the pongyest
things I have ever seen in my life! You should throw them in the bin the minute you get one! They are not the boss! They can't think for themselves! Best regards,
Barack Obama

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Lots of people like starfish. I am one of them. Starfish have 5 legs. They are very fragile creatures, but if they break one of there legs in a fight, a new one grows in its place. They are amazing creatures.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New School.

I just moved a new school this year. I like this new school better than my old one. I have made a friend there already. Her name is Hannah. I like her a lot.

Monday, July 6, 2009


I love books. My teacher calls me a book worm! According to him, I read like an 11 year old. I spend almost all my time reading. After I have read one book, I just read it again!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bondi Beach

On Saturday, we went to Bondi Beach. An old man homeless man lives in one of the caves under the cliff. Apparently, in the summer the cliffs smell of poo becase his toilet doesn't have a door to it! I think he lives on fish because he has a fishing rod outside the cave.

Monday, June 1, 2009

What my little sister says:

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fury8t9rity9i5oiyko5oyto5oyo5yooyo6oyo6oy 969 y594 695;lly6rkyktkytkytftrytlrl+++++t4
hjy/uyt6;'du6;y''r;5e;'';s5;''lulii.7u,í ,f6t7uodr5ok64k##

Monday, February 23, 2009


I love vinegar. Sometimes, I do some very silly things. For example, drinking it out of the bottle, or putting too much on my dinner.Add Image

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My coconut story.

Once upon a time, there lived a coconut. And as he hung on the tree day after day, he wished that he had a proper home, not one high up in a tree. One day, he fell off the tree. When he did, he rolled right off the island and into the sea. He didn't like it there. Just at that moment, a fisherman dropped his net into the water. He caught the coconut. The coconut was scared. Suddenly, the fisherman saw the coconut inside his net. "What is that?", he said. "A coconut!, I've always wanted to taste a coconut!" he said. And he ate him up for lunch!

Friday, February 20, 2009


I love food. People say I am a good eater. It's true! they're right! I am! Excuse me for a few minutes. I'm hungry!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Icebergs are monster lumps of ice that float in the sea They are white. more than half of an iceberg is under the sea.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I love chocolate! Hazel nut is my favourite type. I like it with my tea.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Piano lesson.

I learn lots of things at my piano lesson. My teacher is called Aine, and she is very nice. She says I am very good. I like my piano lesson

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


There is four people in my family. My Dad, my Mum, My little sister (Fern) and me, Blythe.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Hi! my name is blythe. This is my blog.