Monday, June 7, 2010


Me and my family are going to a music festival in England called Latitude.
My Dad keeps buying thing we probably will need like torches, sleeping bags, tent, (we are going camping) and my Mum keeps buying things we probably won't need like portable toilets when we have no place to empty it and we have perfectly good toilet blocks. (According to the website: We were going to go camping yesterday but it rained so we couldn't go and me and my sister were so sad that my Mum and Dad got out the BIG BIG tent, compared to out kiddy tents at least. We decided to camp in the back garden in the tent tonight so then out Mum and Dad slept with us. My Mum got up in the middle of the night and went into the house because she was too uncomfortable and then my Dad did the same thing and of course he couldn't leave us on our own so we had to go in. I was quite happy about it because my back was sore from sleeping on the ground because we couldn't find the air bed but my sister was screaming and crying at 4:00 in the morning on a Sunday because she couldn't stay in the tent.
So that is how our first camping trip turned out.

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