Saturday, June 5, 2010

Manuka Honey #1

Miss Stewart,
123 Gordan Brown is so Handsome Street,
Galway, Ireland.

Dear Manuka Honey,
I need your help badly.
My sister is bonkers about Manuka Honey and I hate it!
The reason that is so bad is because then my Mum says that I should be a good little girl, (Even though I am 9 which is big enough) and that I should eat honey and be good like my sister. (Who is 5 and is 4 years younger than me). If she was to hate the honey like me, then I wouldn't have such a bad time because then if we both hated it then our Mother would not buy the honey and then we wouldn't have to eat it. But she buys it because Fern (my sister) likes it.
So, I need you do stop selling it in Super Value and Dunnes Stores, because if my Mother knows they are not being sold in Super Value and Dunnes Stores she will think that they are not selling tham any more because they are the only shops she thinks that sells them.
Please contact me as soon as possible,
Kind Regards,
Miss Blythe Stewart.

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