Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gmail Chat

Today my sister and I were sitting at two computers, right beside each other. Suddenly she asked me, "BLYTHE CAN WE DO GMAIL CHAT? That is DEFINATLY supposed to be in capitals.She must have thought I was an old man considering how loud she shouted. And shouting like that is VERY LOUD AND VERY ANNOYING WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO SEND YOUR FRIEND AN EMAIL. So I shouted back, "YES, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO. And she says: "Blythe, you don't have to shout. I can hear you perfectly well. I snort. "Hello Mrs. Pig! giggle giggle giggle.", she says. The cheek! Well we just start chatting on gmail. This is how the conversation went:

me: I fern
My name is Blythe
I am eight years old
Fern: hiblythe
me: Will you be my friend?
Fern: frlkm,,j,thtjhki
d nebemjhruj3hy,ke4iu2hi
me: what is your name?
Fern: dhe
me: I like your t-shirt a lot
were are you from?
Do you speak English?
Fern: yes.
Me: Then why are you speaking the unknown?

You know what she does???
She signs out and says, "Blythe lets do somthing else."

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