Friday, July 23, 2010

Latitude #2

Now that we've finished discussing Portable Toilets and all that, I have just got home from Latitude. It was dusty, dirty, boiling and it had the most great music. Midlake, The XX, Rodrigo y Gabriella, Belle and Sebastien, Wild Beasts, EVERYTHING! But the funny thing is that they have the most brilliant music for example say the XX were playing at 10:00. When you got back to the tent about 11:00, it is bad bad bad music, I mean like you think it cant get any badder music. How can people do that??? How can people be listning to GREAT music, and then listen to RRREEEAAALLLYYY bad music??? Well anyways, we got REALLY dirty, cos there were like 30000 people there, and there were eight showers in the entire site. We got one shower in the afternoon on Saturday and it was cold. All the showers were cold the people said. It was very bad for cleanliness. So the showers were NOT my favourite thing. Some people said the best time to go was midnight. You'd wake everyone up then. I think if I came back again I would stay in a caravan, not a tent.

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